Welcome to our first Newsletter of 2022. Here’s hoping for a happy and healthy year ahead.
Thank you for your interest and/or attendance at DMH Associates international webinar series established in April 2020. Over the last two years, we have been delighted by the number of attendees from across the world and key experts in career development and lifelong learning who have willingly volunteered to share their experiences and ideas of what works well and key lessons learned in their respective countries.
Webinars 2022
We had 350 registrants for the January 2022 webinar ‘Modern Dimensions of Career Guidance’ with contributions from myself, Phil Jarvis, Choices (Canada), Dr. Deirdre Pickerell, Canadian Career Development Foundation) and Dr Gareth Young (Ireland). The recording and earlier are accessible here:
This year, we have identified some key themes as part of the 2022 webinar series:
– Living with loss: writing for bereavement for work and career
– Blended career guidanceCareer guidance and well being
– Skills for learning, work and life Social justice: a feminist perspective
– Labour market trends: where next?
– Chatbots: artificial intelligence and careers policies and practice
– Higher education careers services: current and future perspectives
Thank you to Career Guidance Charts Ltd, for kindly sponsoring ‘Living with Loss: writing for bereavement for work and career’ to be held on 29th March 2022 from 15.00 -16.30 (UK time) led by Associate Professor Reineke Lengelle (Canada) with input from Russ Banner (England). In order to maintain free access throughout 2022, we are hoping to attract a key sponsor(s) for each webinar. This is a great way to align with our values and to raise the profile of your organisation’s work. If interested, please email: [email protected].
Register now for Living with Loss: writing for bereavement for work and career webinar
You might also like to watch our video on ‘Modern Dimensions of Career Guidance’ or share with others:-)

Virtual International Conference, 7 July 2022
We are pleased to announce a return to our International Conference series. This year’s theme is ‘Career Development: Be Bold, Be Brave’ in partnership with our headline sponsor The Edge Foundation.
An excellent line up of international keynote speakers will sit alongside expert contributors to create a mix of plenary and breakout sessions to inform and inspire delegates from the world of careers.
Early sponsors also include Kaplan, Matrix Standard/The Growth Company and the CDI (Career Development Institute).
There are still conference (and webinar sponsorship) opportunities available.
If your organisation is interested in sponsoring and/or contributing to a breakout session contact us direct. The discounted rate is £500 + vat. There is also the chance to sponsor the innovative ‘Digital Delegate Toolkit 2022’ @ a discounted rate of £3k + vat.
Breakout themes in the conference include:
- Education, careers tech and innovation
- What works? Career-related learning in primary schools
- Building a bold future with Apprenticeships
- Making society work better – equality, diversity and inclusion
- Working with adults to make the most of everyone’s skills and talents
- Careers education, information, advice and guidance – how to get it right
- Green Guidance, making positive steps to a sustainable and environmental education
- Labour market intelligence: where next?
- Employer engagement – insights from across the globe
- Quality and professionalism in the careers and employability sectors.
A limited number of early bird tickets are available for £30 + vat and early booking is recommended.
Find out more and book your place

New recruit for DMH Associates
We have a new member in our team. Kainan Gardner a talented university business studies graduate (and musician) joined us in January 2022. He is supporting all aspects of our work and is already making a positive impact 😊
New Projects
You can find out more about our research, policy and practice developments –

Independent External Review of Careers Delivery in Northern Ireland
This research programme is due to be completed by the end of March 2022. A recent meeting took place with the Minister for Economy and government officials with plans meet with the Careers Service Strategic Forum. Deirdre Hughes has been invited to give evidence to the formal Independent Review of Education in Northern Ireland on 23rd March 2022.

Measuring Impact and Evaluation of Qdos Career Hubs
DMH Associates has recently completed an International Literature Review of good/interesting careers and employability policies and practices to inform the design and implementation of the Qdos Career Hubs – this is due to be published shortly. We are now working to produce a Theory of Change model and robust impact assessment framework – watch this space!
Career Guidance, Mental Health and Well Being: A Wales, Canada, England and Scotland collaborative research programme
This new collaborative research programme developed by DMH Associates working closely with practitioners and managers in Careers Wales, the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) involves researchers, managers and practitioners examining effective ways of supporting adults 18+ in a career development context. A practitioner toolkit and research report are planned for publication in late Spring 2022.

Our Future D2N2: Career-Related Learning in Primary Schools 2022
Following the success of an earlier project ‘Our Future Derby’ 2019 -2021, a re-branded ‘Our Future’ project has been extended to primary schools across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire with the sponsorship support of the Derby Opportunity Area Board. The team is led by Education and Employers in association with Learn by Design and DMH Associates.
See also:

CiCi the innovative interactive careers chatbot
The CareerChat team have been awarded an innovation grant from Exeter University’s Impact Laboratory to further extend our exciting AI and machine learning practitioner research and development work. We have recruited an additional bot programmer to the team and we are working with a major Further Education College and private University in England to embed CiCi into their websites. If you would like to try out the very latest demo: email:[email protected]
We look forward to continuing the dialogue and exploring new partner arrangements now and in the future. Thanks once again for your interest and support:-)
Stay safe and well!
Deirdre & the team