Independent External Review of Careers Delivery in Northern Ireland

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Independent External Review of Careers Delivery in Northern Ireland

dmh associates is undertaking a new research project on behalf of the Department for Economy – Careers Service Northern Ireland.

The Department for Economy recently consulted on a new Skills Strategy, ‘Skills for a 10x Economy’ which sets out the long-term vision for skills development in line with our economic ambitionThere are a number of key priorities for workforce skills within the strategy’s key commitments.

Of critical importance will be the role of the Careers Service in supporting the new Skills Strategy to ensure citizens of all ages have access to the services they need in order to make informed career decisions and fulfil their potential, which in turn will provide a supply of skilled people to our local employers. 

Over the next 2 years the Careers Service has been tasked with delivering on the following priorities:

  • Development of a new Careers Portal online, providing a responsive online information hub, supported by a targeted advertising campaign. 
  • Explore the timing and mode for Careers Guidance provision in schools 
  • Review targeting to ensure the Service maximises the value of Careers Guidance to those who need it most
  • Continue to build on collaborative working with partners in the Department of Education and the Department of Communities to build a cohesive and flexible Careers ecosystem that providers tailored, evidence informed Careers Guidance at every life decision point.  
  • Build on Careers partnerships model more widely to increase reach.

Priorities 2 and 3 highlighted above are being taken forward via an independent external review of careers delivery led by Dr Deirdre Hughes.  This work is key and will provide the ‘building blocks’ and research which will shape and inform the policy intent for careers delivery over the next 5-10 years.


The research will examine that provision reflects the needs of a modern vibrant and dynamic 21st century economy in which all individuals regardless of age, aspiration or ability, as well as key influencers such as parents and teachers, have access to independent, high quality careers advice which helps them to maximise their potential and contribute to their community and the NI economy.

The rationale is to produce a robust evidence-base, consistency and high-quality inputs, outputs and outcomes for DfE within a specified timescale November 2021 – February 2022. This will provide the ‘building blocks’ and research which will shape and inform the policy intent for careers delivery over the next 5-10 years. The research team led by Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE will also undertake a return on investment (ROI) analysis to inform the review.