Measuring Impact and Evaluation of Qdos Career Hubs

DMH Associates is very excited be working on this ground-breaking Qdos Career Hubs programme in England. A much-needed private sector funded approach working in genuine collaboration with local partners. This offers ‘seeds of promise’ for improving access to all-age career guidance, as well as strengthening links with employers and industry bodies, in local communities.

The Manor Property Group intends to establish 160 ground-breaking centres for impartial career guidance and employer-led activities (Qdos Career Hubs) in areas of deprivation in England, over the next five years.

“Manor sees an opportunity to create a national legacy in the field of Careers Education and Guidance, providing place and space to fill a void in provision for young people and adults, working closely with employers and complementing, not competing with existing national and local services.” (RFP, p.2)

We will be working in partnership to:

-Review existing research, specifically summary evaluation and impact studies of similar regional ‘Career Hubs’ and similar employer-led initiatives, highlighting best practice and advising on whether ‘what works’ in one country might be transferable to the English context. The findings from the international literature review will build upon the Akrill Review[i] and inform the wider promotion of Qdos Career Hubs.


-A literature review will update earlier findings from the Arkill Review and expand the evidence-base to inform the Manor Property Group (Qdos Career Hubs) on good and interesting centres for impartial career guidance at a UK, European and International level.

-The scoping of evaluation design options for Qdos Career Hubs in their first two years of operation will include defining the intended short and medium-term outcomes such as providing suggestions for measuring those outcomes and recommending approaches for establishing causal links, which may include before or after studies, comparison groups or other methods.

If you have any examples of good and/or interesting careers policies and practices, particularly focusing on using technology in career guidance or out of school career programmes and career clubs in your locality, please contact us:

email: [email protected]
