Adult Education : Too important to be left to chance

Adult Education Too important to be left to chance

Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE, Karen Adriaanse and Dr Sally-Anne Barnes (2016)

Research Report for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Adult Education (APPG) – Inquiry into Adult Education.

The APPG for Adult Education commissioned the Warwick Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick (April – June 2016) to conduct research into the needs of adult learners.

Our primary focus was on adult education, and on adults returning to learn. Learning can occur in education or training institutions (offline or online), the workplace (on or off the job) the family, or cultural and especially, community settings. The research team collected evidence through : a literature review; a formal call for evidence; an online survey of adult learners; fieldwork; townhall meetings and telephone interviews.

Literature review

This literature review provides a brief summary of extracts and findings from 63 publications related to adult education policy, research and/or practice from across the UK, Europe and internationally. The findings below may act as ‘an aide memoir’ and/or catalogue of evidence for reference and/or customization by individuals and organizations in their everyday work.