This Strategy highlights the important role that career education, information, advice and guidance (CIAG) services in Scotland can play in helping to address future skills demands and deliver inclusive growth.
This strategy was initiated by the Scottish Government to ensure the continuous improvement of career guidance services by enabling the closer communication and co-operation of all those individuals and organisations providing career education, information, advice and guidance services to the people of Scotland. The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that the Scottish careers system contributes towards and supports the purpose, values and national outcomes set out in the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework.
Minister Hepburn states: “Impartial career guidance and the development of career management skills have a significant contribution to play in, not only helping to deliver inclusive economic growth, but also in equipping individuals of all ages with the skills to plan and manage their career decisions; now and in the future. The type of society we will be in the future is reliant on the choices that people make about their future.”
He highlights “My ambition is for an approach to career support, employability and skills development that focuses on the needs of the individual first and foremost. A system that builds on an individual’s strengths and capabilities, is more joined-up and enables everyone to fulfil their potential. That is why we have also published Scotland’s Future Skills Action Plan to set out how we intend to meet our future skills challenge and why we are ensuring an employability system is put in place that is person centred and firmly focused on the individual’s journey into work. We are working hard to tackle child poverty by focusing resources on maximising family incomes, boosting life chances and helping build sustainable communities.”
Its been a pleasure working with the Scottish Government and its key partners to develop this collectively owned and inclusive careers strategy.
It sets out a vision for a world-class, professionally-led, aligned and flexible system of career information, advice and guidance services which delivers for every citizen, regardless of where they live in Scotland, their age or circumstance. A system through which citizens can expect a high standard of support that meets their needs and when they need it most, a system that is fully interconnected to ensure citizens access the right people and services which includes employability and skills support.
In May 2020, I’ll be visiting Australia and New Zealand to share with practitioners, managers and policymakers key lessons learned linked to “Sustainable Career Development for All”, with some reflections on latest lifelong guidance developments across Europe.
To download Scotland’s Careers Startegy –
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