

It has been a privilege to work with PEF Impetus and Adviza careers practitioners and managers on the co-creation of a new Framework of Intensive Support (FIS) for young people and adults –

What has impressed me the most is career development professionals’ enthusiasm within Adviza for a practical careers resource that can easily be applied with clients/customers underpinned by robust academic and theoretical concepts – A Framework for Intensive Support (FIS) Research Paper March 2019 (1)  

This research paper is designed to provide practitioners, managers, policy-makers and other interested parties with evidence that underpins the development and application of the Framework of Intensive Support (FIS). It is designed to inform and support anyone interested in working in an impactful way with young people and adults to guide them in making successful transitions into meaningful learning and work.

The aim of the Framework for Intensive Support (FIS) is to create an evidence-based resource that can be used to help transform the lives of disadvantaged young people and adults. The main philosophy and driver for this FIS innovative approach stems from a formal partnership between Adviza, Impetus-PEF and Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE (2015 – present) working together to focus on developing, implementing and testing an impact-management model designed to get more young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) into work faster, staying there for longer and progressing further. Since 2018, the work has expanded to support adults both within and outside of workplace settings.

Here’s how it works…

Employability Assessment Cards

Find out whether an individual is ready for the world of work with our innovative employability assessment cards.

FIS Cards assess the crucial competencies that research has found are needed in order to enter and sustain Employment, Education or Training (EET). The Framework for Intensive Support (FIS) concentrates on three broad pedagogical themes –

(i) Motivation for Working, (ii) Career Skill, (iii) Getting into Work/Learning.

Each theme is underpinned by 10 dimensions derived from robust empirical research, for example:

Resilience, motivation, confidence, self-awareness, decision making, behaviour, job search, experiences of work, qualifications and opportunities.

The FIS approach offers transparency on the starting points and actual distance travelled when it comes to making progress into successful learning and/or work.

Download the FREE Research Paper

Benefits of using FIS Cards:

  • Assesses readiness for work including motivation, behaviour and experience
  • Helps prepare young people for the transition to the working world
  • Facilitates reflection and discussion around employability skills
  • Gives structure to one-to-one and group sessions
  • Shows when an individual is ready to successfully enter the workplace
  • Identifies areas to develop including confidence, self-awareness and qualifications
  • Helps schools meet Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 8.

The pack comprises colour coded cards, FIS Grid and full instructions plus an e-pack with additional resources including action plan template and video tutorial.

  • Easy to use, fun and engaging
  • Suitable for Year 7s to adults
  • Adaptable for use with SEND
  • Developed for use in one-to-ones and group works

Cost: £20 per pack (+VAT and postage & packing).
*Bulk buy offer* – buy 6 packs for the price of 5 when you use voucher code FIS6offer

Buy online or download an order form to pay by invoice.

For further information please email [email protected] or phone: 0044 (0) 118 402 7050.