

“What does gender equality mean in childhood?”

The Mayor wants to tackle gender stereotyping early so every child can reach their full potential. As part of his flagship #BehindEveryGreatCity campaign, City Hall is hosting an Equal Play event on 29 October 2018 from 9.00 – 17.00 at City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA   View Map

To register to attend: https://equalplay.eventbrite.co.uk/

Research shows the importance of play in shaping children’s aspirations. The event will explore the facts and show how adults across all sectors can be champions in challenging gender bias in children’s toys, books and activities.

The scope of this event means invitees from the advertising, manufacturing, publishing and retail industries are invited. as well as representatives from parent groups, education, early years providers, government and children’s charities.

The following keynote speakers are confirmed:

  • Sam Smethers – CEO, The Fawcett Society
  • Emma Perkins – Senior Director, LEGO
  • Guy Parker – CEO, Advertising Standards Authority

In addition to this primary school children will quiz the keynote speakers, there will be expert talks, screenings of ads that break down stereotypes, interactive sessions with the V&A Museum of Childhood collections and panel-led discussion workshops.

Plenary Speaker: Rosa Gumataotao Rios 

Rosa Gumataotao Rios is one of the United States’ most ubiquitous political figures, yet many people may never have never heard of her. Her name features in everyday financial transactions whenever a person goes to a cash dispenser, buys bread at a shop, pays a restaurant bill or a cab driver. But only those who carefully study the banknotes will realise who Ms Gumataotao Rios is. This Californian woman of Mexican descent has been treasurer of the United States since 2009 – 2016. Since then, her signature has been printed on some 27 billion dollar notes.

ThomasWomen have left their mark on that history in a very special way, because they have held the position of US treasurer since 1949. Six of the past 10 treasurers have also been of Hispanic descent. Ms Gumataotao Rios says that the first woman treasurer, Georgia Neese Clark, was appointed just after the Second World War, when women’s participation in the workforce increased considerably.

“It was just very courageous and probably very symbolic for President Harry S Truman to make that appointment,” says Rosa. Since then, every US president has chosen a woman’s signature to appear alongside that of the US secretary of treasury on one of the most popular currencies in the world. Is this still the case in 2018?


The day will conclude with a drinks reception at the top floor of City Hall, where delegates can enjoy panoramic views of London as conversations continue.

Please send all questions to Dan Rowson ([email protected]), who will be happy to respond to any queries.


Great to see promoting equality of opportunity for all. This also builds on the earlier work of London Ambitions Careers Curriculum (Key Stage 2) – https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/londonambitionscareers