The changing shape of the lifecourse and its implications for education by Tom Schuller

This paper focuses on the implications of an ageing population for college leadership. I was delighted to speak with Tom as he worked on the draft paper focusing on the theme of careers information, advice and guidance system for young people and adults.

Tom asks: “Question How far are colleges taking active steps to promote intergenerational learning?

Informing the planning of careers and transitionsCareers are not linear, and people face many and diverse transitions across their work and personal lives. Training, education and guidance all need to reflect this, identifying key transitions in relevant population groups, including movement in and out of employment in the context of longer working lives. Integrating career services for all age groups is a major responsibility, especially given its current youth focus.”

This is well worth a read – thoughtful, engaging and challenging. The basic message is we all need to do more as professionals in the fields of education and employment.