CareersNet, Cedefop, Thessaloniki
In 2017, Deirdre Hughes was appointed as UK expert in Lifelong Guidance and Careers Education by Cedefop, Thessaloniki, Greece
CareersNet was created to collect comparable and reliable information on a European scale in the field of lifelong guidance and career development issues. The gathered information and analysis aims at identification of gaps and solutions, beyond a snapshot of national guidance systems.
CareersNet was created to collect comparable and reliable information on a European scale in the field of lifelong guidance and career development issues. The gathered information and analysis aims at identification of gaps and solutions, beyond a snapshot of national guidance systems.
The gathered information and analysis aim at:
- Providing access to harmonised, comparable evidence, based on transparent criteria;
- Providing access to detailed information on relevant practices and promoting their transfer and adaptation;
- Informing design and implementation of Cedefop tools in the area of lifelong guidance;
- Facilitating cross-national comparative analysis of national systems and initiatives;
- Supporting countries in national policy development through identification of gaps and possible solutions.
Analysis undertaken will support countries in national policy development while exploring to their best interest existing European policy initiatives and tools. CareersNet also provides the opportunity to produce insights on career development activities embedded in distinct policy fields, such as education, training, youth policies, validation of skills, adult learning and labour market policy.
The first meeting was held in Tallin, Estonia:
The second meeting will be held in
The second meeting of the CareersNet network of guidance expertswill be held on 7-8 June 2018 in Thessaloniki.
For more details email: [email protected]