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The Global Resources team at the Education and Development Trust (EDT), Hooly campbell Kathryn Cheary, Paul Thorley, Lauren Bunn, Andy Hurley, have produced a series of five reports following research conducted by the team linked to the effects of the pandemic and how countries are responding.

A few months into global lockdown, at the peak of mass school closures in most countries, and on the brink of an economic crisis of the scale the world has possibly never seen, we have started talking about ‘building back better’. There is something profoundly appealing and energising about the phrase and the optimism and direction it holds.  There is also danger in the hyperbole.   

There are many considerations that the education and development sectors need to take into account in building back better, not least of which is the evidence base for policy and action.  I’d like to share with you some of the extensive research we (EDT) have been undertaking in recent weeks to help inform these critical debates and decisions, drawing on the latest international learnings and synthesis of existing evidence.  We have now completed five rapid-turnaround reports for the EdTech Hub on effective remote pedagogythe efficacy of current country-level responses, on ensuring education continuity for marginalised girls and disadvantaged students, including those with SEND, and on educational provision in emergencies.  We also capture learnings from those countries where remote learning was used extensively pre-pandemic.  We hope that one or some of these are useful in your own thinking about responding to and recovering from the Covid-19 crisis.

At Ed Dev Trust we continue to grow our learning on appropriate responses to the crisis and to adapt and develop our own services accordingly.  The Covid- 19 section of our website captures all of the ways in which we can engage with clients on addressing the huge range of Covid-related impacts being experienced in education planning and delivery around the world.