Our Future Derby: Career-Related Learning in Derby Primary Schools

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Our Future Derby: Career-Related Learning in Derby Primary Schools

Year 2 Programme Evaluation and Impact Assessment 2021

Our Future Derby is designed to enhance social mobility, improve gender equality and expand opportunities for primary school children in 33 primary schools across 7 of the most deprived Wards in Derby city. This is the second year of the Our Future Derby programme which began in the summer of 2019, continued through the academic year of 2019-20 and in the 2020-21 academic year.

The Our Future Derby (OFD) team comprising Learn by Design; Education and Employers and dmh associates supported schools at a time of huge disruption to children’s schooling.The work has had a positive impact on the children, teachers and the schools.

The Executive Summary and Evaluation and Impact assessment reports 2021 can be viewed below.

Click here to view the press release

Click here to view the executive summary

Click here to view the full report

Aims of the Carewer Related Learning programme

  • Raise the aspirations of all pupils including those on pupil premium, free school meals and from different ethnic backgrounds to close the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.
  • Inspire teachers and senior leaders within the nominated primary schools to take a ‘whole school approach’ in embedding CRL now and in the future.
  • Stimulate pupils by developing their understanding of the link between school and the wider world of work, broadening their awareness of the range of jobs, breaking down stereotypes and challenging bias.


Engaged at least 7,500 children and teachers through a range of inspirational career-related learning (CRL) activities involving volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds and industry sectors.

Impact on the children

Improved aspirations

An increase from 68% to 73% of those agreeing with the statement ‘I can do any job they want when I grow up’.

An increase from 66% to 75% of pupils in receipt of Free School Meals or eligible for Pupil Premium agreeing with the statement ‘I can do any job I want when I grow up’

Increased motivation

An increase from 74% to 78% from those agreeing that ‘Doing well at school will help me get a better job when I grow up’.

Improvements in key skills


Children’s self- assessment of their skills showed an increase across 7 out of 8 key skills listed. This was also confirmed through teacher and head teacher feedback

Decreased gender stereotyping

86% of pupils agree ‘Girls and boys can do the same job

Funded through the Department for Education Opportunity Area programme and delivered in partnership with: