

The Careers and Enterprise Company in England has awarded two rounds of Grant Funding 2015 – 2017 to a wide range of careers programme providers, designed to ensure more young people have encounters with the world of work. This includes a table below setting out funding which has been awarded to organisations as part of the Careers & Enterprise Fund 2015 (CEF2015), the Mentoring Fund (Mentoring), the Careers & Enterprise Fund 2016 (CEF2016) and the Opportunity Areas Fund (OAF).

I came across a link on Twitter which gives a detailed overview of CEC Grant Recipients and funding awarded – 

Here’s a list of the TOP TEN recipients (click on the image to enlarge the view)

Below is a summary of all recipients :

Total investment = £15.2million:

  • £3.8m (25%) spent on mentoring;
  • £1.6m (10%) spent on Opportunity Areas (OAFs);
  • £5.9m (39%) spent on Careers Enterprise Fund 2015; and
  • £3.9m (26%) Careers Enterprise Fund 2016.

When it comes to government funds there are four key tests that need to be met:

  • Is this embedded?
  • Is this sustainable?
  • How much does it cost and does this offer value for money?
  • Do current funding arrangements ensure impact and added-value returns?

When it comes to the Careers Strategy there are three key tests to be met when thinking about careers support for young people

  • Do young people have access to impartial and independent careers advice from trained and qualified professionals?
  • Do young people have somewhere local to go to for good quality careers advice?


Keen to hear your thoughts – email: [email protected]



