Research carried out by Education and Employers has been published in the latest Careers and Enterprise Company ‘What Works’ report. This paper draws together the existing evidence of the benefits of career-related learning in primary school.
Today Education and Employers have published ‘What works? Career-related learning in primary’.
Commissioned by the CEC the report draws together the existing evidence of the benefits of career-related learning in primary school. It builds on the research we and the National Association of Head Teachers have done over the last 5 years. It is great now to see the level of interest and enthusiasm for career-related learning at primary by a range of organisations and policy makers. As you see in this report, the evidence is clear – that exposing children to the world of work has a significant impact on their aspirations, motivation and confidence. It helps broaden their horizons, challenge stereotypes and gives them the opportunity to connect their learning with their future.
Accompanying this report is a video clip of the primary school children who won the Drawing the Futurecompetition meeting their role models. This shows the wonderful creativity and motivation of our young people and the jobs they aspire to.
The full findings of our Drawing the Future report undertaken in partnership with the TES, National Association of Head Teachers, UCL Institute of Education and OECD Education can be read here.