Peer Review: Supporting lifelong learning through the development of guidance services in Latvia
Read more: Peer Review: Supporting lifelong learning through the development of guidance services in LatviaHughes, D (2005c). Peer Review: Supporting lifelong learning through the development of guidance services in Latvia. European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, pp. 129-136. This paper sets out the relevant UK policy, institutional and economic context; assesses the potential transferability of the host country policy measure to the UK; and notes……
National Skills Strategy: 14-19 Education: Formal Evidence, House of Commons Education and Select Committee
Read more: National Skills Strategy: 14-19 Education: Formal Evidence, House of Commons Education and Select CommitteeHughes, D. (2003b). National Skills Strategy: 14-19 Education: Formal Evidence, House of Commons Education and Select Committee: Parliament, London: December 2003, pp.1-5. Available at http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200405/cmselect/cmeduski/37/3702.htm#evidence Written evidence 118.
Employment Advice Service and Categorisation Tools
Read more: Employment Advice Service and Categorisation ToolsHughes, D. (2017) Employment Advice Service and Categorisation Tools, Cardiff: The Welsh Assembly Government, November 2017 Deirdre Hughes worked on an analysis of methods of individual needs’ assessment and employment barriers and a review of tools to deliver needs-based assessment feeding into the development of an Employment Advice Gateway (EAG) for Wales, on behalf of……
Careers work in England’s schools: politics, practices and prospects, New school for the old school: Guidance and Counselling in 21st Century Education (Part 2)
Read more: Careers work in England’s schools: politics, practices and prospects, New school for the old school: Guidance and Counselling in 21st Century Education (Part 2)This academic journal article provides a five-year historical synopsis of how central government policies are impacting on careers work in England’s secondary schools. It shows attempts to reshape and re-engineer careers provision for young people, through an evolving careers experiment. To cite this article: Deirdre Hughes (2017) Careers work in England’s schools: politics, practices and prospects, British Journal……
London Ambitions: Shaping a careers offer for all young Londoners
Read more: London Ambitions: Shaping a careers offer for all young LondonersHughes, D. (2015). London Ambitions: Shaping a careers offer for all young Londoners, London: London Mayor’s Office, London Enterprise Panel & London Councils. This report sets out the rationale for the London Ambitions Careers Offer. A distinctive London offer has to tackle the challenges of diversity and fragmentation. It needs to be applicable to a……