Inspiration: changing times
Read more: Inspiration: changing timesHughes, D. (2014). Inspiration: changing times. London: Prospects in Partnership Online Journal. April 2014. Issue 22 page 9 A plurality of careers provision now exists. Greater autonomy is devolved from government to head teachers and college leaders to run their institutions and teach lessons as they deem appropriate. A new national curriculum in 2014; new……
The changing UK careers landscape: tidal waves, turbulence and transformation
Read more: The changing UK careers landscape: tidal waves, turbulence and transformation Hughes, D. (2013). British Journal for Guidance and Counselling, London This article explores how the UK careers landscape in each of the four home nations is changing in response to neo-liberal policies. In this context, careers services are increasingly under pressure to demonstrate their added value, impact and returns on investment https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3701932
Making, shaping and showcasing careers services at work
Read more: Making, shaping and showcasing careers services at workHughes D (2013) Glasgow: Skills in Focus 10, Joint Skills Committee, Scotland. November 2013 This report highlights the need for a curriculum which integrates Career Management Skills, as well as the need to improve the capacities of students, parent/carers, and teachers. Particular emphasis is placed on the role that employers play in articulating future skills needs.……
An Expanded Model of Careers Professional Identity: time for change?
Read more: An Expanded Model of Careers Professional Identity: time for change?Hughes D (2013) British Journal for Guidance and Counselling, Volume 41, (1), February 2013, pp. 58-68. The careers profession is challenged significantly by government, employers and potential consumers to articulate its added value to society. Neoliberal discourses such as privatisation, deregulation, flexicurity and a self-help culture are impacting upon arrangements for the design and delivery of……
National, EU and International Literature Review: adult careers information, advice and guidance. London: London Assembly Economy Committee
Read more: National, EU and International Literature Review: adult careers information, advice and guidance. London: London Assembly Economy CommitteeHughes D (2013) The purpose of this study is to review evidence from the UK, EU and other international countries of models of interesting policies and practices to inform an effective approach to adult IAG design and delivery for London and to offer potential evidence based policy options for consideration by the London Assembly Economy……