Category: Project

Peer Review: Supporting lifelong learning through the development of guidance services in Latvia

Hughes, D (2005c). Peer Review: Supporting lifelong learning through the development of guidance services in Latvia. European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, pp. 129-136. This paper sets out the relevant UK policy, institutional and economic context; assesses the potential transferability of the host country policy measure to the UK; and notes…
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National Skills Strategy: 14-19 Education: Formal Evidence, House of Commons Education and Select Committee

Hughes, D. (2003b). National Skills Strategy: 14-19 Education: Formal Evidence, House of Commons Education and Select Committee: Parliament, London: December 2003, pp.1-5. Available at Written evidence 118.  

Employment Advice Service and Categorisation Tools

Hughes, D. (2017) Employment Advice Service and Categorisation Tools, Cardiff: The Welsh Assembly Government, November 2017 Deirdre Hughes worked on an analysis of methods of individual needs’ assessment and employment barriers and a review of tools to deliver needs-based assessment feeding into the development of an Employment Advice Gateway (EAG) for Wales, on behalf of…
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Careers work in England’s schools: politics, practices and prospects, New school for the old school: Guidance and Counselling in 21st Century Education (Part 2)

This academic journal article provides a five-year historical synopsis of how central government policies are impacting on careers work in England’s secondary schools. It shows attempts to reshape and re-engineer careers provision for young people, through an evolving careers experiment. To cite this article: Deirdre Hughes (2017) Careers work in England’s schools: politics, practices and prospects, British Journal…
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London Ambitions: Shaping a careers offer for all young Londoners

Hughes, D. (2015). London Ambitions: Shaping a careers offer for all young Londoners, London: London Mayor’s Office, London Enterprise Panel & London Councils. This report sets out the rationale for the London Ambitions Careers Offer. A distinctive London offer has to tackle the challenges of diversity and fragmentation. It needs to be applicable to a…
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UK Country Report , International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP)

Hughes, D. (2015). UK Country Report , International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP), Iowa, USA (14th -17th June 2015) This Country Report for an International Symposium ICCDP describes how technologies are used to support workforce preparation, placement, and development policies for young people in the UK. UnitedKingdom ICCDP country report