Literature Reviews

Literature Reviews

DMH associates has the knowledge, skills and a wealth of international, national and regional experience to understand and respond to your organisations’ needs. We have worked on a wide range of literature reviews on careers, education and skills topics to inform policymakers, researchers, managers and practitioners.

“Deirdre’s guidance and knowledge in the careers landscape has helped us shape some of the content for our careers and skills events.
Her role in chairing one of our strategy groups has brought credibility and expertise that underpins the achievements and work the group undertakes.”
Nina Hurst-Jones
Operations Director, Prospects Events

Our Experience Includes:

  • Adult education
  • Adult careers information, advice and guidance
  • Careers education – quasi-experimental studies
  • Careers and guidance-related interventions
  • International best practice in education and training in prisons
  • Social mobility
  • Systematic literature reviews within and outside of workplaces
  • Young people’s post 16-decision making

Our Approach

We take time to understand your needs by carefully assessing the current situation and what success will look like in the future.
We assist you to identify improvements that can be made and we quantify the benefits.
We work with you to implement the agreed solutions within an agreed timescale and budget.

Get in touch:

[email protected]
+44(0)7533 545057

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